tennis Mix-in

Tuesday 6pm-9pm
Saturday 2pm-6pm
Sunday 2pm-6pm

Our tennis mix-in sessions are the perfect way to play friendly, social tennis with just the right amount of competitive spirit.

You simply turn up with your racket and play with the other members who are attending. Matches will usually be played in mixed doubles pairs but depending on the number of players, same-sex doubles and (occasionally) singles tennis will be played.

To help people warm-up, players are allowed ‘first serve in’ (repeated serve attempts until one goes in) the first time they are on court. To make sure everybody gets plenty of time on court, matches are a short single set (first to five games) with a tie-break to seven if the score reaches 4-4. In all matches, the second deuce is decided by ‘sudden death’ with the receiving team choosing who receives the final serve.

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Every Tuesday evening mix-in session is led by one of our coaching team, as well as the first Saturday of every month. All other mix-in sessions are self-organised.

The mix-in is aimed players of all standards but we do ask that everyone who joins a mix-in session is comfortable serving and rallying with opponents.

“I love mix-in because I can just pop down to the club and play a couple of friendly sets. No planning required and I get to play with different people.”

Gesa, Tennis Member